I finally created a new board for discussion of Project Orion. Didn't realise you had a new board here until Yales dropped by and joined mine. Then I got curious about what might be happening at the old haunt. For those who don't know, I'm the guy who first thought up the Pro-Nuclear Space Movement. I've since moved on to purely Orion based activities. Nuclear pulse being my favourite engine design. As well as Yales posting under HybridPoplar we have Bestonnet and other die hard Orion fans beginning to trickle in. The first Orion board on the net was one I started at Yahoo and for a time it was the largest science club there with something a little over 3000 members. Due to the antiquated system there I've decided to start a more flexible board for those interested in discussing Orion's engineering, politics, legality and other numerous factors. I believe this concept to be the best around and likely to remain so for some time to come. Anyone wishing to join is welcome so long as they try to respect other members rights to post there. The nuclear space age is truly upon us now and anything is indeed possible.
The .com domain will be reactivated shortly. That just goes to the main website. See you there folks.
BTW nice choice of board server Bruce. I really enjoyed your last article too. Keep up the great work my friend. I always look forward to your nuclear space writings.
Nowadays, tt seems that research in nuclear space propulsion concentrates exclusively on the concept based on a nuclar reactor producing electricity which in turn is used for accelerating the propellant. The Orion concept seems much smarter, since the energy released by nuclar fission is used directly (without intermediate steps) to push the starship. Why have all research been abandonned in that direction?
Phil...As a lay writer on the subject of space nuclear P&P, nuke EPP technology has not been totally 'abandoned'. The near term use of NEP and NTR for upcoming future NASA missions depends on mature technology. EPP technology still has issues of materials, controllability and safety not to mention sticky International Space Treaties. Personally, the Orion method has applications especially in collision avoidance, course changes in space with regards to sudden Delta V's in emergencies my best guess is that as space nuclear maturity increases, efforts in EPP technology might become a reality in the future.