to learn about "Fundamentals of Stack Gas Dispersion" ... a very comprehensive reference book on dispersion modeling of continuous, buoyant pollution plumes. The website provides a brief description of the book, peer reviews published in technical journals, the book's complete table of contents, and other information. The website also provides access to information about the AERMOD, SLAB and DEGADIS dispersion models and other BREEZE software used by environmental professionals worldwide.
Topics covered in the book include: classifying atmospheric stability; determining of buoyant pollution plume rise; Gaussian dispersion calculations and modeling; developing windspeed profiles; trapped pollution plumes; fumigated plumes; flare stack plumes; meteorological parameters, and much more. Copies of the book have been purchased in the U.S.A., Canada, Mexico, South America, Europe, Australia, Africa and Asia (in a total of 57 countries), and are available in over 130 libraries worldwide.