Peter W. Huber is a senior fellow of the Manhattan Institute. Mark P. Mills is a founding partner of Digital Power Capital. They are the coauthors of The Bottomless Well (Basic Books, 2005).
The United States consumes about 7 billion barrels of oil a year. Quite a few of those barrels come to our shores from the Persian Gulf, a fact that has elicited, since 9/11, a surprising convergence in our politics. Today, it is not just leftwing environmentalists who complain about our consumption of oil but also a range of sober-minded centrists and conservatives, from commentators like Fareed Zakaria and Max Boot to former Clinton CIA director R. James Woolsey to one-time Republican officials like Robert McFarlane, C. Boyden Gray, and Frank Gaffney. The concerns of these "oil hawks" (or, less felicitously, "geo-greens," as the New York Times columnist Thomas Friedman calls them) touch only incidentally on the environmental issues that previously drove most energy activists.
Their primary aim is not to "save the earth" but rather to secure our own small corner of it.
The oil hawks’ agenda was neatly summarized in a letter sent to President Bush earlier this year by the Energy Future Coalition (EFC), an umbrella group that also includes a range of Democratic pragmatists and Al-Gore-style environmentalists.
The EFC’s basic analysis of the problem is as straightforward as it is familiar: America’s dependence on imported oil threatens both our economic well-being and the physical safety of our homeland.
While we face increased consumption by the rising economies of China and India, and thus greater risk to our own supplies, the "foreign interests" that benefit from our dependence—a euphemism for the sundry extremisms of the Middle East—"have used oil revenues in ways that harm our national security."
The EFC’s basic recommendation is familiar, too: we must consume less foreign oil. "With only 2 percent of the world’s oil reserves but 25 percent of current world consumption," the oil hawks declare, "the United States cannot eliminate its need for imports through increased domestic production alone." More innovation on the supply side—"advanced biomass, alcohol, and other petroleum-fuel alternatives," as well as an expansion of our strategic oil reserves—will help. But the focus, they insist, must be on "demand-side measures," especially "increased efficiency in our transport system," with the goal of reducing consumption by about 15 percent—a billion barrels of oil a year—over the next quarter-century.
For Jimmy Carter, who presided over the energy crisis of the late 1970’s, weaning the U.S. from oil was the "moral equivalent" of war. For the oil hawks of the post-9/11 era, our energy dependence is (as Woolsey puts it) "a war issue" plain and simple, one that demands ambitious new regulations, research subsidies, and tax incentives. When Carter told us that we should never again import as much oil as we did in 1979, the country ignored him. But times have changed—more so, in fact, than even the seemingly forward-looking oil hawks have recognized.
The price of oil has fluctuated wildly over the past several decades, thanks largely to the volatile politics of the Middle East. In 1979, when Carter was at his most pessimistic about energy, oil cost $30 a barrel (in 2005 dollars, which we will use throughout this essay). In the fall of 1980, Iraq’s war with Iran knocked a billion barrels of oil from the former’s annual output; for the next five years, the mostly Arab members of the Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) held firm to a policy of dramatically reduced production, leading to spot prices in early 1981 above $80 a barrel.
By 1985, the price of oil had stabilized at $50, but the Saudis, exasperated by the cheating of other members of the cartel and in possession of unmatched reserves, ramped up production. The price quickly fell to under $20 a barrel. Iraq’s August 1990 invasion of Kuwait sent it back up to $40. By 1998, it had fallen to a historic low of $12.
The battle over oil, many analysts declared, had finally been won. Now, just seven years later, it is said to have been lost again. A barrel costs some $60, and many forecasters believe that high prices are here to stay.
But price is just part of the picture, and does not by itself tell us much. Even as oil has become much dearer in recent years, saddling Americans with tens of billions of dollars in extra costs, our oil problem, in a strictly economic sense, has become smaller, and promises to become smaller still.
Oil supplies only about 40 percent of the raw energy we use today, and we use it mainly in our cars, trucks, and aircraft. Coal, uranium, natural gas, and hydroelectric dams supply the other 60 percent.
These latter fuels—not oil—generate almost all of the power available through our electrical grid.
More significantly, about three-fifths of our gross domestic product (GDP) now comes from industries and services that run on electricity. All the fastest-growing sectors—most notably, information technology and telecom—are fueled entirely by electrons.
Even within the energy budget, the relative economic importance of fuel in general, and of oil in particular, is receding. Each year we spend relatively less on raw fuel and relatively more on the hardware—refineries, furnaces, generators, car engines, motors, light bulbs, lasers—needed to transform fuel into highly refined power. At the end of the day, the economy does not much care about the cost of the fuel alone or of the hardware alone; what matters is the distilled power that the two deliver together.
As we look forward, and even if the price of a barrel rises quite a bit more, there is every reason to suppose that year by year the U.S. economy will continue to grow less sensitive to the price of crude. Yes, we will buy more barrels, and perhaps pay more for them, too. But our GDP will continue to grow faster than our total spending on oil.
Moreover, of the 7 billion barrels of oil (BBO) we currently use each year, only 0.9 come from the Persian Gulf. We produce about 3 billion barrels domestically; our largest foreign suppliers are Canada (0.6 BBO) and Mexico (0.6 BBO); Venezuela and more than a dozen smaller suppliers take care of the rest. Getting to the point where the U.S. need not import any oil from the Middle East would not be very hard.
It would be harder for our allies, particularly Europe and Japan, whose economies are deeply intertwined with our own. These two entities jointly consume over 7 billion barrels of oil a year, a little more than we do, with one third of those barrels imported from the Persian Gulf, and their untapped domestic reserves are far smaller than ours.
Nor does our own eventual ability to do without oil from the Middle East change the fact that, for the foreseeable future, massive sums of petrodollars will continue to flow to the region, with all the deleterious geopolitical consequences rightly emphasized by the oil hawks.
What, then, are we to make of the oil hawks’ call to arms? Much depends on how we define the battle.
There is more comfort to be found on the supply side of the global oil economy than the hawks acknowledge, but not enough. Since 1981, non-OPEC supplies of oil have increased by 5 billion barrels a year—but global demand has risen by 8 billion barrels a year. And the new non-OPEC oil did not come cheap. Gaining access to the 70-billion-barrel reserve located beneath the deep, frigid waters of the North Sea required an enormous capital investment, now embedded in the cost of the 2 billion barrels per year that those wells yield.
Tapping the 100 billion barrels under the verdant fields of Kazakhstan has required a $2.4-billion pipeline just to get things started. Exploiting the 150 billion barrels that Russia thinks it has will require still larger sums. An Exxon Mobil consortium is planning to invest $12 billion in Siberia just to get the pump primed.
Every time such investments are made, the people who make them must wonder if they will ever get their money back. When prices collapsed in 1997, oil ministers, multinational conglomerates, and wildcatters from Siberia to Texas found themselves ruing the day they had poured cash into expensive new holes. How could they have been so foolish? Saudi Arabia and Iraq alone are capable of pumping oil for under $5 a barrel from proven reserves that still probably exceed 350 billion barrels.
A quick hand on a big spigot is the key to controlling the global market. If a few major producers abruptly choke the flow, they can gouge consumers.
If they quickly crank it up again, they can ruin competing producers, who cannot recover their huge capital investments in the face of sharply lower prices.
Some oil hawks have suggested enlarging the U.S. Strategic Petroleum Reserve (SPR) as a cushion against such potential market shocks. But no plausible expansion would be nearly large enough.
The current Reserve has a maximum capacity of 0.7 BBO. This is enough to make sure that tanks and fighter jets will have fuel if a hot war suddenly erupts, but it is not a number that speaks loudly to Middle Eastern potentates sitting on total reserves of 600 billion barrels.
U.S. reserves of the old-fashioned kind—that is, in the ground—are quite a bit larger than the SPR.
By current estimates, Washington’s 1980 prohibition of oil and gas development in the Arctic National Wildlife Reserve placed a billion barrels per year off limits for 15 years. Another billion barrels per year (at least) lie under waters off the coast of California and in the Gulf of Mexico west of Florida.
But Californians like unsullied ocean views when they cruise the coastal highway from Los Angeles to San Francisco, and President Bush is not about to propose any new offshore drilling to his brother, the governor of Florida.
Thus stymied, advocates of supply-side fixes often shift to grander schemes to draw something very much like oil from things that do not look at all like oil wells. There are plenty of candidates. In a pinch, engineers can extract, refine, or synthesize gasoline, or something like it, from almost any combination of carbon and hydrogen. Alberta’s tar sands, which currently yield about 0.4 BBO per year, contain at least 180 billion barrels that are recoverable with current technology and over a trillion barrels that will become available as technology improves. Over 10 percent of the American corn crop is used each year to produce an amount of ethanol equivalent to 0.05 BBO; production could be multiplied tenfold if we grew crops on another 40 million acres that we currently pay farmers not to cultivate.
But these alternatives require huge capital investments, and unless the federal government is committed to maintaining price floors for them with import quotas or through its own purchasing power, few of them (other than the Canadian tarsand projects) will ever be able to produce ersatz oil cheaply enough to survive the next orchestrated price collapse. The $20-billion Synfuels Corporation signed into law by Jimmy Carter in 1980 was supposed to yield 0.7 BBO a year by 1992. By December 1985, it had been swept away under a flood of Saudi oil.
With the supply side of the oil market so refractory and unstable, the oil hawks—quietly embracing policies first promoted decades ago by advocates on the Left—have instead put their emphasis on curbing demand. But how?
Over the long run, higher prices would certainly help. Taxes currently translate into about $11 per barrel of oil in the U.S. (excluding those earmarked to fund highway construction), and as much as $85 per barrel in Europe and Japan. But suppressing consumption in this way requires political muscle and nerve, a commodity in much shorter supply than petroleum. Consider the Clinton administration’s attempt in 1993 to impose the country’s first comprehensive energy levy. It would have added a trifling $3 per barrel to the price of crude, and even so the proposal was resoundingly rejected by the House and Senate, both then controlled by Democrats.
Technological fixes have encountered much less political resistance.
Since the 1970’s, virtually every proposal for dealing with America’s oil problem has recommended doubling the fuel economy of our cars. Progress on this front, today’s oil hawks suggest, would cut consumption by as much as 1.5 billion barrels a year.
It would indeed, provided that nothing else changed. But things invariably do change, and always in ways that more than offset the promised gains. Though oil hawks never make note of it, the efficiency of the typical car engine has in fact doubled since 1950; a gallon of fuel now moves a ton of vehicle twice as far as it did then. Much the same has happened in every other sector of the economy. With each unit of energy, we now produce more than twice as much GDP as we did half a century ago.
But we also now consume more than three times as much total energy. With better engines under the hood, Americans have sharply increased the weight of their cars, the number of miles they drive, and their average speed, all the while adding energy-hungry comforts like air-conditioning.
Miles traveled by air have increased even faster, as have freight miles. All of our efficiency gains—and then some—have been swallowed by the rising demand for bigger, better, faster transportation.
To save the day, oil hawks are counting on higher fuel-economy standards to be imposed fleetwide.
These would require car manufacturers to compensate for their fuel pigs by selling roughly equal numbers of dinky little cars. Though the standards are often characterized as an "efficiency" mandate, their real aim is to change how people behave. But such prescriptions invariably fail. They would do nothing to halt the 3-percent annual increase in the total number of miles we drive. Nor would they control how fast we drive, how often two-car households favor the fuel pig in their personal fleets, or how frequently people fly or order goods from the other side of the continent.
Oil hawks (including R. James Woolsey in these pages*) point out that during the 1979-1985 crunch, when federal law prescribed quite strict fuel-economy standards, U.S. oil consumption dropped by about 15 percent. But it was not car manufacturers that delivered the oil savings. Almost all of it came from electric utilities and industrial users, who shifted to other fuels.
Whether developed by the market or mandated by the government, better technology simply does not curb demand over the long term. The British economist Stanley Jevons exposed this paradox in 1865, and all experience since then confirms that he was right. More efficient engineering makes Humvees, monster refrigerators, and watt-guzzling plasma TV’s more affordable, and puts relentless upward pressure on our consumption of energy.
Even if Americans somehow reached a saturation point in their appetite for energy-hungry machines, there is the rest of the world to consider.
China currently consumes just over 2 billion barrels of oil a year, slightly more than Japan, and that is while most of its economy is still pretty much where England’s was in 1865. As super-efficient hybrid technology matures, American demand will push the price of core components down sharply, and China will use them to build the $5,000, 100-mile-per-gallon hybrid rickshaw, affordable to a billion people whose economy is now still powered largely by carbohydrates.
It is not by dumb accident that our entire transportation system has been designed to run on refined crude oil. Pound for pound, liquid hydrocarbons deliver far more accessible energy than any other fuel that is economically practicable today.
But outside the transportation sector, pounds matter much less, which is one big reason why America’s overall energy economy, as we noted earlier, is dominated by much cheaper, non-oil fuels. As opposed to the 7 billion barrels of oil a year that we consume, we use the equivalent of 11 billion barrels in coal, gas, uranium, and hydroelectric power, almost all of which comes from the U.S. and Canada.
We already know how to tap these vast resources, and our technology keeps improving.
The trick, then, is to figure out how best to collapse our bipolar energy economy into a single market, one in which non-oil fuels can more readily substitute for oil. Happily, we are already well on the way. During the crunch of 1979-85, utilities in the U.S. quickly shifted away from oil; today we depend on it for just 3 percent of our electric power. The huge opportunity ahead is to use electricity—and thus coal and uranium, principally —to displace still more oil. Doing this will depend on the price of oil, which we cannot control; on the price of electricity, which we can; and on the evolution of technology that will bridge the divide.
Let us begin with the technology. We still use about a billion barrels of oil a year for industrial, commercial, and residential heating. But other forms of high-intensity radiant power now provide more precise, calibrated heating, especially for industrial applications. Substitution is already robustly under way in this sector. Another 1.5 billion barrels of oil are used each year by heavy trucks, delivery vehicles, and buses. These vehicles can be easily modified to run on natural gas, and quite a few already have been.
That leaves our cars and "light trucks" (that is, SUV’s), which burn roughly 3 billion barrels of oil a year. The Bush administration has actively promoted hydrogen as a solution, and perhaps someday the U.S. will make that transition. Hydrogen is technically easy, if quite expensive, to extract from water or natural gas, and we have some idea of how to use it as a battery-like storage medium that will allow cars to run indirectly on the non-oil fuels that power the grid. Greens love this possibility because it allows them to envision a day when carbon-free fuels will be used to propel zero-emission wheels down our highways.
But to get there, it will be necessary to redesign the car completely as well as to create, from scratch, an entirely new distribution system for a gas that is very difficult to handle. The hydrogen option entails a gigantic bet on a wholly new intermediate fuel and on the untried technology required to use it. We know from experience that such bets often end badly.
A more promising solution is the plug-in hybrid, which requires a much more modest technical leap.
Alongside their gas tanks, hybrid vehicles are equipped with high-capacity nickel-metal-hydride (and, before long, lithium) batteries that are capable on their own of handling distances under six miles, which represent a substantial share of all car trips. Once the technology for these vehicles is fully developed, with a suitable interface for recharging, all they will require is a place to plug in when parked. The energy trade-off is fairly simple, too: each kilowatt-hour of grid power used by a hybrid replaces roughly a pint of gasoline.
More important, hybrids that are recharged by their own gas engines (as opposed to an electrical outlet) are already on the road. None were available as recently as 1998, but this year over 200,000 will be sold. There are now a dozen different hybrid models in showrooms, and nearly every automaker has more on the drawing boards. This has happened not because of decrees from Washington but because the vehicles are attractive, perform well, and allow their owners to visit the gas station much less frequently. Market forces alone are already in the process of transforming the car into a giant appliance.
At first
glance, shifting to electricity may not seem to make economic sense. After all, kilowatt-hours cost a lot more than oil—the equivalent of about $160 per barrel if the comparison is made in terms of the raw energy delivered. But electricity is a much higher-grade form of energy. Power delivered through a plug to a hybrid’s battery will propel the car at least four times as far as the same amount of energy pumped into the tank as gasoline, which currently retails for about $100 per barrel.
Such trade-offs are no less economically attractive in other sectors, where they are also occurring.
Because a microwave, as opposed to a gas range, heats only the soup, it is cheaper to use in the end.
The same holds true for the radiant heaters, microwaves, lasers, and other technologies now being used in industry to displace gas- and oil-fired heat.
The most important thing that policy-makers could do to accelerate this transformation would be to rationalize the market for electricity. Retail electricity prices are already regulated—badly. Rates are too low during peak hours of use and much too high during off-peak hours—that is, too high for most industrial and commercial users and too low for residential users. Proper pricing would sharply lower the cost of electricity used for heating, industrial processing, and the nighttime recharging of batteries for plug-in hybrids. If electricity were to cost less on average, we would use more of it, and it would inevitably displace more of the oil we burn.
Electricity is also much more expensive than it should be because environmentalists relentlessly oppose the construction and renovation of large power plants that operate on cheap fuels.
State regulators control most such choices, and their divergent policies have created a wide national spread in price—under 5 cents per kilowatt-hour in states that have welcomed coal and nuclear energy (Kentucky, Kansas, Illinois, Virginia, Wyoming), 12 cents or more in such green-dominated states as New York, California, and Massachusetts.
Federal regulators can help tip the balance toward the lower-cost states by promoting new investment in the interstate grid, thus facilitating trade in power.
Finally, we could flatten the tax structure for energy.
States and localities typically impose what amounts to a 10-percent tax on the retail prices of both electricity and gasoline. Recalculated as defacto taxes on the raw fuel used upstream, these rates are grossly disproportionate: about 20 percent ($11 per barrel) for crude oil, 25 to 50 percent ($20 per ton) for coal, and 1,000 percent ($100 per pound) for unenriched uranium oxide. Competition would be promoted by repealing all current energy taxes and replacing them, on a revenueneutral basis, with a flat, uniformly applied sales tax on raw fuels.
The electrical grid is the ultimate equalizer among competing sources of energy. Big stationary power plants can spin their turbine-generators with steam (produced by burning coal, gas, oil, wood, trash, or other combustibles), or they can replace their furnaces with uranium reactors, or they can replace steam with water or wind. Solar cells skip the turbine, transforming sun directly into electricity.
Many environmentalists despise the grid because they despise the coal and uranium that generate 70 percent of our electricity. But renewable sources like wind and solar energy—which currently supply a negligible 0.03 BBO worth of energy—need the grid, too. It is the only way they will ever achieve any kind of competitive foothold in the battle to displace oil.
Oil does indeed pose a problem; the hawks are right about that. At current prices, the world is going to send some $30 trillion to Persian Gulf states over the course of the next several decades, a terrifying amount of wealth to dispatch to feudal theocracies festering with hate. But because the oil economy is so huge, the problem cannot be solved by yet another round of hasty and heavy-handed prescriptions and ideologically driven subsidies from Washington. The energy bill just signed into law by President Bush contains too much of both.
We would do better to calm down, take realistic stock of an energy economy now bifurcated between oil and non-oil sources, and implement the quite modest tax and regulatory reforms that can help spur competition across the divide.
Luckily, whether or not we enact such reforms, technologies bridging the oil and electricity sectors are on their way. As costs fall and performance improves, they will be adopted quickly by industry and consumers alike. The process of convergence will be complex, and better policies can help it along.
But the details are best left to the market, and to the intricacies of supply and demand.
I have studied the issue of hydrogen as a replacement 'fuel' (although fuel is a misnomer--it is an energy carrier because the energy obviously does not originate in the hydrogen.) Hydrogen could be used as a cryogenic liquid to fuel jet aircraft (by possibly installing underwing outboard tanks,) it could be used in vehicles (as a compressed gas or cryogenic fluid, or stored as a hydride as in magnesium hydride MgH2.) Vehicles could use a variety of technologies for onboard power prduction: fuel cells, internal combustion engines, gas turbine engines, or a combination of such devices. Small cars could use batteries supplimented by fuel cells; larger vehicles such as semi-tractor trailers could use hydrogen as a cryogenic liquid burned in a gas turbine engine spinning a high speed generator.
Of course just gearing up transportation to use hydrogen makes no sense at all if the parallel issues of distribution and sourcing are not properly addressed. The distribution side of the problem will require extensive low pressure and high pressure pipeline networks; a network of liquification and cryogenic storage fascilities all over the nation; for highest demand customers, pipelines for liquid hydrogen are needed to supply things like airports with aviation fuel; truck service plazas to supply trucks with transportation fuels; and of course the chemical industry for chemical synthesis. Local 'peaking' stations could be used to help even out the highest demand electrical consumption by burning stored hydrogen in a gas turbine power plant--just as natural gas is used in some plants for this purpose.
Sourcing the hydrogen requires that we solve the overall energy problem. Hydrogen does not occur naturally in any significant quantity on Earth, and so all hydrogen used must be synthesiszed. One of the easiest ways to do this is by the electrolytic cracking of water--which consumes large amounts of electricity, about 4 KWh per cubic meter of gas at standard temperature and pressure. In an efficient hydrogen gas compression fascility and additional kilowatt hour would be used to dry and compress this hydrogen to 3000 pounds per square inch (200 atmospheres.) Liquifying the hydrogen would require almost a full 2 kilowatt hour extra of energy (almost 50% of its energy content) to liquify and store the hydrogen. Hydrogen is a very energy intensive business!
To use hydrogen requires that a very inexensive source of energy be utilized. Nuclear is a possible enerty source. Hydroelectric is another possibility. Less so for wind, Surface Solar (at Earth's surface,) and OTEC (Ocean Thermal Energy Conversion--which was extensively studied in the 1970's.) A potentially 'exotic' source is space solar power--but this requires immense expansion of the space program.
Replacing petroleum will not be cheap, it will not be easy, and it will take probably a long time. But it is something which must be done.
All of these ideas are for not if the overriding issue of energy sourcing is not solved first.
" Rail, with its small number of controlling participants and existing intrinsic energy efficiency, is a natural place for hydrogen to achieve significant early penetration of the transportation sector. " .....a better bet than aviation, according to the comparison made in the paper.
I take that to mean that until I see locomotives being converted to hydrogen use, the chances of seeing significant large-scale transportation use of hydrogen anywhere else are exactly zero.
Additional web pages below provide details on how to produce hydrogen from nuclear fission (a few of these are Power Point slide shows, but some are pretty good written texts):
There is quite a bit of information available on how to produce hydrogen (or even boron) to replace gasoline and diesel fuel. I also would encourage the interested reader to review Rod Adam's essay on replacing oil with uranium at I would also suggest the reader study the work that the Idaho National Laboratory has done in this area:
I am also a big fan of General Atomics GT-MHR because (1) it can be used to generate both electricity and hydrogen, and (2) it should be possible to fuel it with thorium-232 to breed fissile uranium-233 and provide enhanced proliferation resistance. Se the following web page (and the links at the bottom of that page) for further details:
Yes, I first saw Graham Cowen's web site on boron fuel several years ago -- he actually contacted a colleague of mine about his opinion, and he in turn forwarded it to me.
I was quite skeptical at first. But I was even more skeptical about hydrogen (and still am), so over time I came around to favour boron over hydrogen -- simply because of the safety issues.
Unfortunately, the boron technology isn't going anywhere, and we're wasting our time on hydrogen in a very big way.
Either way, it doesn't look good.
The best bet at this point appears to be electric battery power for short-range urban vehicles. But that isn't any piece of cake either, as you can see by this article (for example) :
The provincial utility and international partners put hundreds of millions of dollars into a lithium power pack for vehicles and telecommunications systems. Now, the car dream has short-circuited and 85 are out of work
WILLIAM MARSDEN, The Gazette, Saturday, September 03, 2005
It would be the breakthrough of the new century: a lightweight, long-lasting, safe battery to power the cars of the future.
It would make the world's 700 million gas-guzzling, ozone-destroying automobiles obsolete.
And it would propel its designer, Hydro-Quebec - already North America's largest and most innovative utility - to new heights as a world leader in electric car technology.
If only it worked.
Hydro-Quebec and a couple of international partners had put 20 years and hundreds of millions of dollars into researching and developing its lithium battery with two markets in mind: The battery could serve as a backup power source to the world's telecommunications systems and as a power pack for electric vehicles.
As the 1990s drew to a close, Hydro-Quebec felt the project was ready to take a giant step forward, and it hired a Belgian automobile specialist named Tadek Borys. Fears of global warming were creating heightened interest in electric cars, and that market was looking particularly promising.
So new money was invested. New partners were found. Tests were conducted, reports were written, projections were made. And a state-of-the-art plant was built in Boucherville.
Five years later, in late 2004, Hydro-Quebec got the kind of shock it did not want from this battery: It didn't work in cars. And it probably never would.
Now, 85 people have lost their jobs and the provincial police have been called in to sort out allegations of wrongdoing.
Mystery surrounds the entire costly affair. Neither the police nor Hydro-Quebec will comment on the substance of the allegations.
According to one source in Hydro-Quebec, however, it was more a matter of incompetence than wrongdoing. Innovation is always a risky business.
But in this case, the company failed to impose the kind of checks and balances that would assure no one could run wild in fantasyland with Quebecers' money.
"They bought into a marketing story and never checked it out," the source said. "That's not criminal. That's just stupid."
The story of the vehicle battery that went dead is partly a familiar tale about starry-eyed top executives buying into a dream world.
But it's also about the tricky job of developing environmentally friendly technology for the mass market. What works in the lab doesn't necessarily work on the street. And the mere fact that a new technology is good for the environment doesn't mean it will sell.
On this project, Hydro-Quebec discovered what its new executive now in charge of this project, John Haddock, knows as a general truth: "The average consumer will not pay for environmentally friendly."
Hydro-Quebec began developing its revolutionary power source in the 1980s with a Japanese company and the newly founded U.S. Automotive Battery Consortium. They hoped for a breakthrough technology that would far outperform clunky, often unreliable and oh-so-heavy lead-acid batteries.
Twenty years of research produced a prototype that appeared to fit the bill - the Lithium-Metal-Polymer (LMP) battery, made of lightweight lithium plates sealed together like a wafer. The LMP battery was safer (no liquid or acid), one-third the size, one-fifth the weight and had two to four times the life of an equivalent lead-acid battery.
Field tests showed that it performed well as an auxiliary power source for telecommunications installations. This means that when the electrical grid failed, the LMP battery could be relied on in any weather to keep the telephone alive. Just supplying these batteries for the North American market is a potential $1.7-billion business, it was claimed.
Hydro-Quebec had brought in Borys to work with the U.S. consortium on a variation of the battery. Borys's experience was in the automotive field, working in Belgium for Canadian auto-parts giant Magna.
In 1999, Hydro-Quebec's partners - which included the giant 3M Corp. - pulled out, but Hydro-Quebec decided to go it alone. It created a startup company called Avestor and made Borys the president.
Borys arranged to have the battery installed in Ford's prototype "THINKcity" electric vehicle to see how it worked.
And according to a 2001 report written by five of Avestor's technicians, the road tests proved that the "Avestor battery is a fully functional battery technology for electric vehicles."
In other words, the battery worked well. The company said it powered the car up to 88 kilometres per hour, with a range of 101 kilometres before it needed recharging.
And this was an off-the-shelf version of the battery. A properly modified battery with the latest technology would give even better results, Avestor claimed.
There was one big problem: The battery alone was the price of an average car.
Still, Avestor believed that this problem could be overcome.
There was a setback when Ford shut down the Think program in 2001 as the "thinkers started thinking of other things," Ford spokesperson Debbie Knight said. She said the car was too expensive and needed a special plug and socket for recharging.
But prospects, so far as Avestor was concerned, continued to look good. In fact, they looked so good that in 2001 U.S. energy and chemical giant Kerr-McGee Corp. of Oklahoma bought a 50-per-cent interest in Avestor and since then has invested an additional $285 million. During the same period, Hydro-Quebec invested another $120 million.
Borys pushed ahead.
He signed a contract with a French electric car consortium called SVE (Societe de vehicules electriques), whose main shareholders are the French military aircraft company Dassault and autoparts maker Groupe Henri Heuliez. In a project sponsored by the French government, SVE's goal was to produce a fleet of electric vehicles for the European market. The vehicles would be marketed under the brand name Cleanova.
In 2002, Avestor opened the world's first LMP battery manufacturing plant, locating it in Boucherville. Avestor had registered about 70 patents on the battery and was touting it as a "revolutionary" technology that was "poised to change the marketplace" for telecommunications and electric vehicles.
To prepare the foundations of this marketplace revolution, in February 2004 Borys announced Avestor had Hydro-Quebec approval to invest 240 million euros ($353 million) to build a second battery plant - this one in Chatellerault, France, near Poitiers - creating 500 to 600 jobs.
"The project will represent the first step in Avestor's international strategy," the company's confident statement read. "Avestor's LMP battery represents a major worldwide breakthrough in the field of batteries for stationary and motorized applications."
Hydro-Quebec triumphantly declared that "yesterday's dream is becoming today's reality." Hydro president Andre Caille said the utility "showed just how creative and daring it is by offering automobile manufacturers technology adapted to the needs of the electric vehicle market, and I am very proud of this success."
The French-Quebec consortium predicted that by 2006 it would manufacture 10,000 electric vehicles in France, rising to 40,000 by 2010. French partners Serge Dassault and Gerard Queveau said in a joint statement that with Hydro-Quebec's technology, "We are very confident we will succeed in implementing an electric vehicle in Europe."
The car would be powered by the Avestor battery and driven by another product developed by Hydro-Quebec: the TM4 motor-generator engine, which is an electrical generator with a backup combustion engine.
Avestor claimed that with its lighter, safer and more efficient battery and power generator, the new electric car would cost only about $25,000, about the same as an average family sedan.
The momentum seemed unstoppable. So when the French consortium suddenly pulled out of the deal in September 2004, claiming the Avestor battery didn't work, it was a shocking jolt to Hydro-Quebec's electric dreams.
The French consortium gave no further details on its decision. It simply stated that it had chosen another battery, produced by the French company Saft - a traditional lithium ion battery that was already used in some electric vehicles.
According to a source, it was then that Hydro-Quebec began to wonder if it had been misled about the promise of the LMP battery for electric vehicle use. It called in the police.
With the collapse of a European market for this project, Avestor quietly laid off 85 workers and Borys left the company. Hydro-Quebec said his contract simply was not renewed. Otherwise, Hydro-Quebec has clammed up. It's clear that the electric vehicle battery market is no longer on the company's agenda.
How its dream turned to dust so quickly, however, is still clouded in mystery. Why as of last year was Hydro-Quebec ready to build a manufacturing plant in France and the next minute the project was killed and the police were called in?
Marc-Brian Chamberlain, Hydro-Quebec's communications director, said Avestor suddenly realized that its battery did not work in electric vehicles.
"At the beginning of the electric vehicle project, Avestor was the chosen battery and TM4 was the chosen engine. And Avestor is no longer the chosen battery, but TM4 is still the chosen engine."
Chamberlain said the battery simply "is not adapted for electric vehicles."
One justice department source said Avestor suddenly discovered that the project made no financial sense.
In fact, the source said, several employees had warned Avestor about the cost problems but nobody wanted to listen, given the prospect of entering the sexy electric-vehicle market.
Chamberlain said he couldn't comment on what had abruptly changed Avestor's view on the battery for electric vehicles or why a file was given to the Surete du Quebec.
"We did an internal audit with Kerr-McGee and we decided to give the file to the SQ. So since then, there is a new management. I can't talk about it because now the SQ has the inquiry in hand."
John Christiansen, spokesperson for Kerr-McGee, said the company advised Avestor to talk to the police.
"We are committed to legal compliance and high ethical standards, and as a joint venture we encouraged Avestor to turn this matter over to authorities and offer their full cooperation."
Christiansen refused to comment any further.
While the electric-vehicle dream is dead for Avestor, however, the LMP battery is not. The company is betting that its original target market, the telecommunications industry, will be its saviour.
Kerr-McGee continues to participate in that project, and those batteries are being produced at the Boucherville plant.
"We're taking the technology to the market that demands it the most, and the one that demands it the most is telecommunications," said Haddock, who was brought in as Avestor president in June.
Price is still a problem. The LMP battery costs at least $2,000 a unit. A traditional lead-acid battery costs only $400 to $500. But because the LMP battery lasts about four times as long, is not sensitive to extreme temperatures and is maintenance-free, Haddock prays that the telecom industry will see the wisdom in paying the high initial price of an LMP battery.
"During the life of that lead-acid battery, you would have to spend that $400 to $500 two to four times. You would have to have a maintenance organization to go out and maintain it. ... The economics are turning more and more to the Lithium Metal Polymer battery."
Or so he hopes.
Recent signs are good, Haddock said. He wouldn't give figures, but he said this year the company expects to sell "in the low tens of thousands" of batteries.
Avestor is a private company and won't reveal the cost structure of its product. Still, it's clear it would have to sell many millions of units before Hydro-Quebec and Kerr-McGee can recover their half-billion-dollar capital investments.
That could take decades. And there's always the danger that the revolutionary LMP battery could be eclipsed by better technology.
It's both the challenge and the risk of innovation.
Maybe the problem lies in relying on chemical batteries to store electrical energy. I wonder if a flywheel storage arangement might prove superior for both speed of recharging and longevity of distance travelled on a single charge. Nuclear power plants are ideal for generating electricity and for ship propulsion, but producing hydrogen directly from nuclear power plants has not been demonstrated as economically feasible, and while Graham Cowen's boron solution is ideal, it likewise is undemonstrated with no investors. Here are a few web links on flywheel storage systems, but this technology is unproven for mass-production also.
The current status of a program to develop and evaluate a regenerative flywheel energy storage system is described.^The system has been designed for a battery/flywheel electric vehicle in the 3000 pound class.^Planned laboratory tests will simulate this electric vehicle operating over the SAE J227a Schedule D driving cycle.^The range improvement attributed to the use of the flywheel will be established.^The flywheel energy storage system will consist of a solid rotor, synchronous inductor-type flywheel drive machine electrically coupled to a dc battery electric propulsion system through a load commutated inverter.^The motor/alternator unit is coupled mechanically to a small steel flywheel which regenerates the vehicle`s braking energy.^The laboratory simulation of the battery/flywheel propulsion system will include a 108 V lead--acid battery bank, a separately excited dc propulsion motor coupled to a flywheel which simulates the vehicle`s inertia, and the flywheel energy storage system comprised of the motor/flywheel unit, the load commutated inverter and its control.
I suspect that when the economic price and environmental consequences of the use of fossil fuels become high enough, then other energy sources and storage systems will be developed and marketed. The free market has to preside. If there is too much government interference, then we'll only see a repeat of the long lines at the gasoline pumps that were so prevelant when Richard Nixon froze prices and Jimmy Carter continued a failed energy policy. Socialism doesn't work. Free enterprise does.
Nice papers there, Paul. Still, I would be more than a little concerned by a 50 kilo flywheel spinning with a tip speed of 1000 m/s below and behind me in my car. If that thing were ever to let go, the likely mechanical 'detonation' would be catastrophic to the car (not to mention my person!) Flywheels as an intermediate energy storage medium does make sense. They can provide nearly instant spurts of energy, and can provide an efficient 'braking load' in a regenerative breaking scheme.
I think that flywheels, coupled with a hybrid electric vehicle could probably nicely fill the gaps of efficiency which the IC engines are difficult to operate in.
Still, the idea of something that massive, spinning that rapidly gives me the shivers. Going to a superconducting energy storage medium--even more exotic--presents it's own energy storage dilemma. While the density of energy contained within the magnetic field can approach within a magnitude the energy density stored in chemicals (such as high explosives) the mechanical stress on such a magnetic is very substantial. Not to mention that the high field strength must approach the critical field strength at which the material stops being a superconductor. A 'quench' as such an event is called is immediately catastroffic and can be as violent as a detonation. Mechanical and electromagnetic energy storage solutions for energy storage are not without their own sets of problems!
I wonder if a solution such as a Stirling cycle engine using high pressure (3000 psi) helium working fluid could work? Then one could use virtually any heat source to power the engine--whether it be hydrogen, natural gas, alcohol, or wood fire. Just a thought...
My bet is that oil prices will go up. My fear is that there are no good alternatives to be developed fast enough:
Hydrogen: - production costs energy - fuel cells are costly (use platine as a catalyst) - storage is either costly, heavy, voluminous or dangerous - no distribution infrastructure
Lithium Batteries and flywheels - loading costs energy - expensive to manufacture - explosion risks - does not work in cars?
alcool and biomass-synthetized - limited supplies - would require large cultivated areas
coal-synthetized - a plague for the environment
It seems that the last possibility listed here has less draw-backs than the others, and my deepest fear is that we will have no choice but to adopt it!
I think that both Goodlenaut and Philipum are correct. Flywheel energy storage may prove to be too dangerous for use in personal vehicles, and many of the replacements for oil may prove to be 'worse' than coal (ugh!). I would encourage the interested reader to review the following article on "Natural Gas and Oil Outlook - How Serious Is the Situation Part 1" at:
Economics will rule. When the monetary expense and environmental consequence of using fossil fuels become intolerable, then human civilization will transition to nuclear energy, whether that be nuclear generated hydrogen or boron for personal vehicles, or nuclear generated electricity for vehicle batteries, or whatever. I cannot predict what the future has in store, but human ingenuity combined with human greed may yet create the unexpected (and greed, when worked with mutual self-interest, isn't necessarily a bad thing) (see
And as Mauk Mcamuk pointed out at, "Coal-sludge in thawing snow wiped out a SINGLE railroad line, and suddenly coal-fired plants all over the country are short of coal. This track problem happened in MAY, and coal supplies STILL hadn't caught up in late August. They say they may not catch up until next spring, or, another six months." See the following USA Today article for the full report.
The United States (as well as Canada, Western Europe, etc.) has big problems with reliance on fossil fuels and that includes coal. I have always maintained (and obviously still do) that only nuclear fission energy is the overall solution. Yes, solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, tidal, etc., can play a part; but only nuclear fission energy can replace fossil fuels by delivering base-load electricity and generating either hydrogen gas or boron for vehicles without the pollution and environmental damage caused by the burning of such fossil fuels.
iprimap wrote: Yes, solar, wind, hydro, geothermal, tidal, etc., can play a part; but only nuclear fission energy can replace fossil fuels by delivering base-load electricity and generating either hydrogen gas or boron for vehicles without the pollution and environmental damage caused by the burning of such fossil fuels.
Well, by reasonably looking at today's facts, I am forced to agree with you. The very positive thing is that nuclear fission EXISTS and is actually a good and efficient way of producing energy - when it is done the right way!
Unfortunately, either because of a poor management or because of a lack of information to the public, in many countries nuclear fission is quite unpopular.