While we in N.America argue about what a NASA should look like as if it were a by-product of some North American schizoid boom-bust economy lifestyle fad.
Many people in the space community haven't realized a new Russian spaceport is being built to accommodate govt and commercial space in the Far East Amur river region of Russian side Northern Manchuria with easy access by air-seaport-rail-highway. Russia plans to open up spaceport for a variety of launches sub-orbital, heavy cargo, light cargo, nuclear rocket system launching, human & robotic missions. This seems like a growing trend in Russia for Indo-Sino space markets.
Is the New Mexico State University Commercial Space Center able to organize competition in this space market?
Reality is the space faring country that builds variable launch facility capability and capacity at a reasonable price gets more space business. This seems more & more to be Russia and its growing economic neighbors and partners.