Nothing nuclear, but a veritable rogue's gallery of pop-culture shamans and voodoo science druids:
The “Cereal Killer” Category Awarded to New York University professor Marion Nestle for insisting that 19-year-old college students aren’t smart enough to pick their own breakfast cereal. She stated: “It’s asking far too much of late adolescents to exercise that kind of choice.” (*snip)
The “Culinary Cruella DeVille” Category Awarded to Texas Agriculture Commissioner Susan Combs, for anointing herself the “Food Czarina.” While this owner of a tarnished tiara finally bowed to common sense and let cupcakes back into Texas schools on special occasions, her edicts still forbid kids from sharing snacks such as gummy bears brought from home. (*snip)
"The “Biggest Loser” Category Awarded to Yale professor and father of the “Twinkie tax” Kelly Brownell for continuing to deny the importance of personal responsibility while admitting his significant paunch comes from remaining inactive and snacking too much while writing a book about ... (drum roll) obesity."
Much more tasty goodness at link. Go there and read of it, for it is good.