NUCLEAR NEWS FLASHES - Friday, September 17, 2004 NATIONAL: --THE U.S. NEEDS TO MOVE FROM A CARBON- TO A HYDROGEN-BASED ECONOMY, and will need to develop advanced nuclear reactors that can produce hydrogen in order to make the transformation, Energy Secretary Spencer Abraham said today. Speaking before the American Academy in Berlin, Abraham also said it was important "to recognize nuclear energy as a clean energy choice, both in the near- and longer-term." He noted President George W. Bush's decision earlier this year to rejoin the International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor to develop fusion as an energy source.
--WHILE PRODUCING HYDROGEN FROM NUCLEAR PLANTS IS AN IMPORTANT consideration for U.S. energy supply, much research and development is still necessary to make hydrogen practical for mass consumption in home, cars and industry, a new study said. The study, called "Centralized Hydrogen Production from Nuclear Power: Infrastructure Analysis and Test-Case Design Study," was released yesterday by DOE's Savannah River National Laboratory. The study covers the first phase of a three-year project to examine technical and economic issues associated with using nuclear power to produce hydrogen. A pre-conceptual design of a nuclear hydrogen production plant will be developed in the next phase of the study.
The study is at