United States Deep Space Force
Interplanetary FF
Gross Mass 4,000 tons
Exhaust Velocity 39,000 m/s
Diameter 41 m
Height 61 m
Interplanetary DD
Gross Mass 8,000 tons
Exhaust Velocity 78,000 m/s
Diameter 50 m
Height 80 m
Lord Flasheart wrote: Getting ready for the Fithp, eh?
I see you're using the designations in a Naval fashion. After all, CV means, "Carrier Aviation".
Good job! I'd like to see how realistic an Orion fleet can be made.
Orian flotillas will be decided on the pusher plate size. For example a frigate type Orion will be in a frigate based flotilla, and so on for everything else. Except in a battle ship/ carrier flotilla they will be working together.
United States Deep Space Force
Interplanetary FF
Gross Mass 4,000 tons
Exhaust Velocity 39,000 m/s
Diameter 41 m
Height 61 m
Interplanetary DD
Gross Mass 8,000 tons
Exhaust Velocity 78,000 m/s
Diameter 50 m
Height 80 m
More importantly than exhaust velocity is Delta-V, propellant/bomb mass fraction (fraction of the gross mass) and cargo/discretionary mass fraction (and extra Delta-V if this is allocated to extra bombs). It's nice to have EV and isp and such details of performance, but doesn't tell much at a glance of what the ships could do.
We have to ask what's the mission, and how do the ships and their capabilities enhance the capabilities of our illustrious warlord supreme and infallible fearless leader? We know Shrub wants to be a global dictator, but beyond the obvious (to most) advantages to a global dictator of having massive interplanetary-capable transport, what are they for?
You're proposing a shift from global oil dominance to supra-global complete resource dominance for Shrub and his cronies, huh?
"A devotee of Truth may not do anything in deference to convention. He must always hold himself open to correction, and whenever he discovers himself to be wrong he must confess it at all costs and atone for it."
Monhandas K. Gandhi