I picked HE 'cause it's a conservative pub. since the cons could stand to lose the most in this election cycle. After this election the republican party as you know it will no longer exist.
1. Sen. Barack Obama is poised to be the nation's first black president, winning by a narrow margin, and enjoying very large Democratic majorities in both chambers of Congress--but short of 60 seats in the Senate.
2. House Republicans face another slaughter. Democrats will make double-digit net gains, possibly pushing 30 seats. Many GOP incumbents are in danger, and Democrats are dominating in the open seats.
3. In the Senate, Democrats start with a gain of 4 seats, with another 7 GOP-held seats in play. We predict 58 or 59 Senate Democrats in the next Congress, but 60 is within reach.
4. Despite all this bad news, Sen. John McCain is not facing a blowout. Barring a last-minute Obama surge, McCain will post respectable numbers in the popular vote and the Electoral College. A McCain victory is not out of the question.
That was a good prediction. I think people can be a little too negative on the future of the Republicans at this time. I remember when in late 1991 everyone was thinking that the Democrats don't have chance in 1992 and their cadidates were call the "seven dwarfs"! Obama isn't turning out to be what the "independent voter" thought they were getting. And, he is no Franklin Roosevelt either. My guess is that in the end the Democrats may be sorry that they were in office at this time. There stimulus plan isn't going to help the economy much and when the tax increases come in a couple of year what ever good the stimulus plan does will be wiped out.
It is also likely that Obama's activities in Afghanistan will be even less "productive" than Bush's in Iraq. Iraq seems likely do be a pyrrhic victory. But, the more we mess around in Afghanistan the more we destabilize Pakistan. It's also unclear how much support there will be by the anti-war Democrats to escalate Afghanistan.